Title: Cannabis Impairment and DWI Recognition  

Where:  Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute – 281 Campgaw Rd., Mahwah, New Jersey

When:  June 14, 2023

Time:  8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Class Limit: 40

Instructor: Michael S. Kelly of Drug Impairment Consulting and Recognition, LLC (DICE)


Explore the New Jersey Cannabis Law and how it affects current police procedures.  Students will have the opportunity to learn the various forms of cannabis and paraphernalia: flower, oils, synthetics and vaping. Understand the signs and symptoms cannabis displays and how to use them during an investigation. Lastly, explore the various DWI studies and how to use them efficiently to establish probable cause for an arrest.

 Cannabis Impairment/DWI Recognition




PROGRAM COST:      BERGEN COUNTY $100.00               OUT-OF-COUNTY $150.00