TITLE:  Advanced Crash Investigations

WHERE:  Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute

WHEN:  July 13, 2020 through July 24, 2020

TIME:  8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A prerequisite for this two week course is completion of BCI. This intense class builds on BCI and covers interpreting tire marks, road scars, advanced measuring methods, vehicle damage analysis and vehicle behavior during collisions. This course is also known as advanced or technical training. If applicants had a problem with the math involved in BCI they should hone their algebra skills prior to signing up for ACI since there is a noticeable emphasis on math formulas as they relate to collisions.

The Vehicle Dynamics curriculum, offered as a stand alone course in the past, is now part of the ACI course.

Students must bring the materials that they were issued during the Basic Crash Investigation course. In addition, students should bring multi-colored pencils for vector diagrams.