2 Days:  January 6 - 7, 2020

Time:  9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Attire:  Uniform/ Professional attire

Class Limit:  22

A comprehensive 2-day preparation for agency CJIS Re-Certification.  This course will cover various aspects of the Criminal Justice Information System involving Federal, State and Bergen County law enforcement.  This is a "hands-on" course that is geared towards supervisors, detectives, police officers and dispatchers that require a familiarity with the function of the Criminal Justice Information Systems. 
Training areas include National Crime Information Computer (NCIC 2000), NJ DMV (CJIS), NJ Temp Tags, NJ automated Traffic and Complaint Systems (ATS/ACS), NJ Criminal Case History (CCH), Interstate Identification Index (III) and ETRO.  A review of the basic applications of how and when to enter, modify, clear, cancel, and locate records applicable to each system as well as the laws and regulations for the use and dissemination of the information obtained.  A modified version of the Re-Certification test will be administered by the instructors for class practical only.  This test will NOT be distributed to the agency and SHALL NOT count towards an approved biannual Re-Certification for your agency TAC training records.


REQUIREMENT: Each student MUST have previously completed their NJCJIS TERMINAL OPERATOR CERTIFICATION COURSE at their agency.  Individual logons and passwords for AOCTELE and CJIS shall be assigned by department TAC officer prior to attending the class and shall be in good working order prior to arrival.  If not, students will not be able to complete this course.



PROGRAM COST:     BERGEN COUNTY  $0.00             OUT-OF-COUNTY  $70.00